Digital Appeal Template

A digital appeal is a strategic tool used to inform your members about the goings-on at your organization and encourage them to donate. It’s important that the right information makes it into your outreach, which is why Cogeo has created a template and an example for you to use while building your appeal.

Appeal Outline


  • Warm greeting to your audience

  • Thank everyone for their involvement


  • Brief overview of current state of affairs

  • Introduce the focus of this appeal - what you are raising funds for. Include details on what that will cover

    • EX: “Financial assistance awards cover dues, gear, and travel costs.”

The Ask

  • “Please consider making a donation at whatever level you are comfortable to support [x initiative]. 


  • Thank everyone for their support

  • Acknowledge that it is generous people like them that allow the organization to continue to thrive

  • Email to contact if you have questions

Links to include: 

  • Donation page 

  • Organization’s website

Sample Appeal


Since its founding in 2013, [Organization] has quietly incorporated a needs-based financial assistance program that up until this year was exclusively supported by resources from its operations. The program has never been publicly marketed; however, over 500 students have benefitted from $1.78mm of tuition-remission financial support from [Organization].

Providing financial assistance is a vital piece of [Organization]’s mission. Leaders come from all geographical areas and socio-economic backgrounds. The ability of a student-athlete’s family to pay [organization name]’s tuition should not determine whether or not they have access to [organization name]’s programs. 

This year, [Organization] is encouraging you to focus your end-of-year giving on supporting [organization name]’s Needs-Based Financial Assistance Program so even more youth in San Francisco can gain access to the [Organization]. 

As 2019 comes to a close, please consider financially supporting the [Organization] at whatever level you are comfortable. Your contribution will help ensure that [organization name] can continue to deliver quality basketball and leadership training to all members of our community regardless of their family’s ability to pay.


It is [Organization]’s community that enables the beautiful empowerment of the Academy to happen. On behalf of the entire [Organization] team, we thank you for your support and dedication to the journeys of our young people.

Yours in Empowering,

[CEO name]

CEO, [Organization]


If you want to learn more about the exciting new direction of [organization name], including the progress on finding our own permanent home, [click this link] to view [organization name]’s case statement. Additionally, more information can be found on the Needs-Based Financial Assistance Program by [clicking this link].

Segmenting Your List

Entities to exclude from digital appeals:

  • Major donors: anyone who has already made a contribution that is greater than or equal to 1/1000th of your annual operating budget this year

    • EX: $400,000 operating budget, a major gift = $400

  • Major donor prospects 

    • If you are planning to meet in-person with a donor or donor prospect in the near-term, exclude them from the annual appeal list

  • Foundations

  • Corporations

Rationale: You are more likely to receive a larger gift if you meet with someone in-person versus sending them a generic appeal that everyone else in the database is also receiving.


Initiate Corporate Sponsorship in 5 Steps


Maintain a Hyper-Organized Database