Host a Safe In-Person Event


As the country reopens, many nonprofit organizations are considering when they should start hosting in-person events. The more important question is how to start hosting in-person events.

It is imperative that you plan ahead. During these times, you’ll need to make sure that every person in attendance feels safe and comfortable. The more thought you put into making your prospective donors feel welcome in the midst of these uncertain times, the more likely you are to see those donations roll in!

That’s why Cogeo has created this guide so you can be sure that your first in-person event is a success.

Be Aware

First and foremost and while you’re in the planning phase, be aware of what the COVID laws are in your state and county. An unfortunate aspect to consider -- these laws may change as you get closer to your event. Err on the side of caution and if laws relax, then your event can grow or change accordingly. It’s easier to cut down red tape than put it up.

It’s also important to know your audience. Consider who you are inviting and what they may be comfortable with. It may even be worth sending out a short survey to key invitees to get a pulse of what your guests are looking for at an in-person event. Remember, keep your prospective donors happy!

Track Everything

This step can actually be used to your advantage! One of the biggest reasons to host an event is to gather data. This is a huge opportunity to find out who is aware of your organization, how they heard about you, what they’re contact information is, what area of town they’re from -- you get it. 

While you’ll need to have attendees register so that you can be sure to stay within the capacity limits, you can take this opportunity to gather as much information as possible. Eventbrite is an easy and affordable option to set up a professional online event platform. You can also check with your current Crowdfunding platform to learn if they offer event invite tools.

Take Precautions

If you are taking this bold step and choosing to launch an in-person event, be sure to take precautions. Your guests will appreciate it.

Host your event outside. This is the number one way to make every guest feel safer and more comfortable. Choose a month and a time that you know will work well depending on your location. Plan ahead -- have a tent or EZ ups on standby in case of rain. This also means if you’re planning on having speakers that you’ll need to get a system and mic so that they can be heard clearly.

Mask up. Depending on the regulations of your state and county, this may not be required from your guests (although highly encouraged). However, every volunteer or staff that plans to approach prospective donors and talk closely with them about the organization should have a mask on.

Make it Fun! 

Just because you have to be cautious, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. You can bake a lot of these precautions into the event!

Turn your mask into an accessory. Order some fun, themed masks with your event or organization’s logo or branding. It’s a great way for guests to know who is running the event and available for questions regarding their donation. These aren’t exactly cheap, but singling them down to key hosts or even prizes for certain guests is manageable.

Make your pre-packed meals hip. Hiring a food truck is a great solution to serving food at your event. These trucks will ensure that each guest’s meal is individually wrapped with their own utensils. Make sure that they are abiding by safe food handling policies during the event planning process and you’ll have yourself a fun and exciting meal option.

Safety measures or decorations? Customize your own floor markers or save some money, get crafty and create your own floor markers. Either way, set some clear guidelines around how far away to stand from one another. You can also do-up your sanitation station. Make your station the centerpiece of your event! 

Limit contact, boost donations. Rather than passing around pledge forms, checks, pens, or cash around, consider creating a unique QR code that links to your donation page. Post your QR code at each table, station, and standing area. This seamless, easy-to-use system may also increase your donations for the night.

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This is a crucial time. We encourage you to go forth and host your in-person events! But please be cautious and courteous of your community’s concerns. We’re working our way to normalcy, but we still have some time before these precautions can be thrown to the wind. Enjoy your event!


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